Yes, it’s official – I now do osx.
My dear wife got me a Macbook for my birthday, and I’ve hardly touched my PC for a week. It’s like having a souped up linux box with a kick-ass GUI.
Special note – get the base 512 ram, and buy 2GB of OWC memory, if you’re gonna buy a Macbook, it’s much cheaper. I should be getting my 2GB upgrade tomorrow, and I’ll be running memtest to check it out and reporting back.
GAIM = Adium
VMWare = Parallels
Firefox = Firefox
Thunderbird = Thunderbird
WinSCP = Fugu
Nero = Toast Titanium
UltraEdit = BBEdit
Photoshop = Photoshop
Acrobat = Acrobat
RSSBandit = Vienna
RealVNC = Chicken of the VNC
OpenOffice = OpenOffice
Eclipse = Eclipse
Norton Ghost = SuperDuper!
iSquint == awesome way to get movies to your iPod
iPodRip == awsome way to get your iPod files (with all appropriate playlists and ratings) from your PC to your Mac
DVDShrink32 = MacTheRipper