Cyberpunk 2020 LifePath Generator
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# Current Age: 22 # Origins And Style * **Clothes:** High Fasion * **Hairstyle:** Bald * **Affectations:** Long fingernails * **Ethnicity:** European * **Language:** Finnish # Motivations * **Personality Traits:** Friendly and outgoing * **Most Valued Person:** A friend * **Most Valued Thing:** Power * **Feelings About Most People:** People are tools; use them for your goals and discard them * **Most Valued Posession:** A musical instrument # Family Background * **Family Ranking:** Combat Zone Poor * **Parents:** Both parents are living * **Family Status:** Family exiled otherwise driven from their original home/nation/corporation * **Childhood Environment:** Spent in a safe Corporate Suburbia # Events ## Event at Age 17 Nothing happened ## Event at Age 18 **Lucky:** Find a Sensei: Begin at +2 or add +1 to a Martial Arts Skill ## Event at Age 19 **Made a Friend:** A relative - female * **Personality Traits:** Stable and serious * **Most Valued Person:** A public figure * **Most Valued Thing:** Honesty * **Feelings About Most People:** Neutral * **Most Valued Posession:** A weapon ## Event at Age 20 **Made an Enemy:** Person you work for - female * **Personality Traits:** Stable and serious * **Most Valued Person:** A brother or sister * **Most Valued Thing:** Love * **Feelings About Most People:** Hates almost everyone * **Most Valued Posession:** A recording **Cause:** Was a romantic rival **Who's fracked off:** You hate them **Injured party's response:** Avoid the scum **Forces:** An entire Government Agency ## Event at Age 21 **Disaster:** Imprisoned or held hostage for 5 months **Planned response:** Save, if possible, anyone else involved in the situation ## Event at Age 22 Nothing happened