Believe it or not, it has now been an entire year since I first met my wife in the flesh.

According to the eharmony site, our match was created 3/19/2004. Amani answered my close-ended questions that very day at 5:07pm, and I answered her questions 3/23/2004 at 5:22pm (either that or I sent her questions the very first day, and she didn’t ask me questions until a few days later…the website doesn’t make the chronology clear).

We shared our must haves/can’t stands on 3/24/2004, 9:55pm, and answered eachother’s open-ended questions that very same night. I can’t seem to access the first open communciations we sent back and forth anymore, but needless to say, we had our first date on 4/3/2004 at the huntington gardens, with Jane Goodall in attendance for her birthday celebration. The rest is history.

It’s been by far the best year of my life, although I must admit I’m sure it will pale in comparison to the years ahead with my dearest love. Marriage suits me I suppose, or at least it particularly suits me with Amani .