Perhaps the EPA believes it must destroy nature to protect it?
#epafail  #biggovernment  
1 million gallons of acidic wastewater spills, creating environmental and PR catastrophe
Perhaps the EPA believes it must destroy nature to protect it?
#epafail  #biggovernment  
1 million gallons of acidic wastewater spills, creating environmental and PR catastrophe
Share · Print · Email. RegData was created to help us understand the size and scope of federal regulation and to enable researchers to learn more about the causes and consequences of regulatory accumulation. But why did we build computer programs to parse federal regulatory code, …
#biggovernment  #governmentcorruption  #tyranny  #freedomisntfree  
If someone was trying to limit or suppress your First Amendment rights in America today, what would
They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. – B. Franklin
#warondrugs  #biggovernment