Two thousand and five has come to an end
So now is the time to catch up with friends
In January we did both receive
News so good it was quite hard to believe
We were to expect a bundle of joy
Not knowing if it would be girl or boy
The next few months saw Amani so ill
And doctors searched long to find the right pill
As a manager Jere blazed a fine trail
And in his new post is doing quite well
In May our apartment we did vacate
And into our first house did relocate
In June to the giant redwoods we went
About a week with the tall trees we spent
In August Jere’s mom came on to the scene
To help out with baby and fine cuisine
Amani transferred to a brand new school
Where people are nice, the commute not cruel
September brought what we had waited for
A beautiful girl, Tomi we adore
Cameron, eight, is in second grade
He is a good brother and well behaved
And in this manner has our year gone by
So it would seem in the blink of an eye
We send you good thoughts and tidings of cheer
To those who are far and those who are near
We wish you peace, love and joy in the mix
May they come your way in two thousand six.