HCR82 Bill Status

Despite being informed of the nature of the Joke Proclamation upon which HCR82 is based, only one member of the Hawaii Senate Committee apparently minded passing a bill commemorating a hoax.

Senator Kokubun was sent the following message before his vote in favor of commemorating the hoax:

Aloha Mr. Kokubun!

As a fellow Punahou alumnus, I thought I'd drop you a note regarding
HCR82, which has recently been referred to your committee.

Perhaps the legislators are not aware, but the proclamation of Grover
Cleveland mentioned in HCR 82 is being incorrectly cited.

The actual proclamation did not mention April 30th, but "the first day of
April next", i.e., April 1st.  The proclamation is not in any of
Cleveland's letters or papers, but was printed in the New York Sun on
February 27, 1894 on page 6.

For more details regarding this proclamation, including images of the
original newspaper printing of this proclamation, please see:

More detailed information regarding President Cleveland, and his changing
reactions to the Hawaiian Revolution can be found here:

There are, of course, other major inaccuracies in HCR 82, but this one
seems the most egregious.  I can only assume that it would be fairly
embarrassing for the Hawaii legislature to pass a bill based on a hoax.

Thank you very much for your time and attention to this matter, and if you
have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.


-jere krischel

Perhaps they’ll recommend passage of a bill establishing October 30th as Martian Welcoming Day, based upon the Martian landing in 1938 at Grover’s Mill.

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