Suit on Kamehameha admissions dropped – The Honolulu Advertiser – Hawaii’s Newspaper

So how much did it cost KSBE to buy off this court case? Were our collective civil rights worth 1 million? 2 million? A billion?

Sigh. KSBE has their press release on the confidential settlement here.  I guess at this point we’ll have to wait for the next person unconstitutionally denied admission to Kamehameha Schools on the basis of race to file a lawsuit…of course depending on just how much it cost KSBE to pay off John Doe, they could just start handing out checks to people.

2 Thoughts on “Suit on Kamehameha admissions dropped – The Honolulu Advertiser – Hawaii’s Newspaper

  1. L. Salbosa on 5/22/2007 at 6:43 pm said:

    Jere Krischel,

    You obviously have no idea what it really means to love Hawai’i, to be from Hawai’i, to be on the highest mountain tops and feel the makani through your hair, or walk on the parched sands of Kaho’olawe. I feel sorry for you, sir. Constantly whining about your so called loss of “civil rights.” I hope you understand that Kamehameha Schools is a private school suported by a private trust with full discretion to allow or disallow enrollment. The private services offered by Kamehameha Schools are offered elsewhere at several other private and public institutions. For you to claim that your civil rights are being denied is ridiculous. I am not an alum of Kamehameha Schools; I was raised in an Italian and Filipino household. Yet, I fully respect all that is Hawai’i and all that Hawai’i has to offer – and you should consider the same.


  2. Aloha LS, I must say I strenuously object to the notion that in order to love Hawaii, one must not love civil rights. I hope you understand that Kamehameha Schools operates as a non-profit, and as such does not pay the taxes that you and I have paid, and therefore must abide by federal civil rights laws, including the 14th and 15th amendment.

    I was also raised in an italian and filipino household, along with japanese, native hawaiian, chinese, portuguese, spanish, german, irish and french. I fully respect all that is Hawaii and all that Hawaii has to offer, and my family has been a part of my homeland for over a hundred years.

    I love Hawaii so much that I’m willing to speak truth to power, and state unequivocally that the racist programs and policies that treat kanaka maoli different than their brothers, sisters, neighbors, wives, husbands, cousins and peers, are wrong.

    I refer you to the case of Girard college and the idea of a private institution which was forced by the supreme court to abide by federal civil rights law. I’m certain that the next John Doe that sues Kamehameha and takes it to the supreme court will force the same compliance.

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