Okay, here’s the step-by-step for getting Galactic Bloodshed compiled and running on OSX.
NOTE: the latest code from CVS seems to not require some of these workarounds – http://www.galactic-bloodshed.com/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/gbp/
1) Download the GB+ server from sourceforge.net (6.0c at the time I tried)
2) Unzip in /usr/local/src (tar -xzvf GB+6.0c.tar.gz)
3) Run /usr/local/src/GB+/Configure
Use defaults for everything except:
C Library Location: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/libgcc.a
Domain name: local (apparently it doesn’t like blank)
Email address: <put yours in>
4) Edit /usr/local/src/GB+/server/dispatch.c
A line of asterisks before “Code for the dispatch system” is terminated mistakenly with a “/”. Remove the “/”.
5) Edit “usr/local/src/GB+/hdrs/game_info.h”, then run “make” and then “make install”
You can now run “/usr/local/src/GB+/bin/makeuniv”, and then “/usr/local/src/GB+/bin/GB_racegen”, and then “/usr/local/src/GB+/bin/gbctl start”
1) Download the gbII client from sourceforge.net (2.6.1 when I tried)
2) Unzip in /usr/local/src (tar -xzvf gbII-2.6.1.tar.gz)
3) Run /usr/local/src/gbII/setup
Choose “2” for 4.3 BSD, and default for all others
4) Don’t compile just yet, you need to edit “/usr/local/src/gbII/source/bind.h”
replace “();” with “P_((char));” for the lines with:
5) Create a symlink at “/usr/local/include/malloc.h” to “/usr/include/sys/malloc.h”
ln -s /usr/include/sys/malloc.h /usr/local/include/malloc.h
6) Run make
7) Run /usr/local/src/gbII/gbII
Well I used to play GB a lot in the middle 1990s. I was going through some old bookmarks and came across some stuff. Amazing that some of the links worked and they led me here.
Doubly amazing that this post was recently updated. I wonder if any of the old players will get a game started?
Hey, I originally wrote GB back in 1990, when it was non-network. Great to see people still have an interest in it. Maybe someday I’ll join in the work of modernizing it…