Happy Hawaiian Revolution Day!

For those not in the know, on this day in 1893, the misrule of Queen Liliuokalani was ended in a bloodless coup in Hawaii, and we started on the path to the sovereign and internationally recognized Republic of Hawaii, which eventually sued for annexation to the United States.

While the Queen and her followers attempted a counter-coup in 1895 (with the tacit backing of the US Administration at the time), they all eventually reconciled themselves with annexation, and became proud Americans.  In fact, the native Hawaiians dominated the Territorial Legislature in Hawaii for 30 years after annexation, due to the removal of property requirements for voting, combined with the latent disenfranchisement of asians who weren't allowed to vote if they were born during the Kingdom of Republic period.  During this time of dominance, native Hawaiians worked tirelessly for Statehood, which was granted in 1959.

So Happy Hawaiian Revolution Day to all!

The “Morgan Report” is today’s name for a report to the U.S. Senate by its Committee on Foreign Relations, whose chairman was Senator John T. Morgan, Democrat of Alabama. Senate Report 227 of the 53rd…

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