An Iraqi’s progress report – Los Angeles Times

Forget why we ever got involved there – we owe the Iraqi people to win this one.  We put Saddam in power, and it was our responsibility to take him down.

Anyone eager for a pullout is prepared to condemn millions of Iraqis to death.  The true irony of all of this is that the reason for staying is a humanitarian one, and legions of supposed humanitarian Democrats don’t seem to realize their own philosophy demands of them a commitment to the people of Iraq.

Remember, it was Bush who toed the Republican line during his first election, promising not to get us involved in foreign wars.  Pity that now Bush is on the Democrat side, they’ve given up their principles.

I got my very first mac nearly a year ago, but not quite…which is good, since it’s still covered by warranty until July 21st, and I’ve got an appointment for today with the guys at the Pasadena Apple Store to get my macbook serviced.

I have a case of bad fan, which grinds like a dying giraffe. I’ve got a short clip of it here. It starts grinding once the thing is warmed up, and the fan speed pegs out at about 4000-5000rpm. If given a peculiar tap, sometimes the grinding stops, and the fan pops up to 6100rpm.

UPDATE 2007-07-18:  Dropped it off on monday, got a call on tuesday night it was finished, picked it up today.  So far so good, no nasty fan noise.  Thanks Apple!

Okay, here’s the step-by-step for getting Galactic Bloodshed compiled and running on OSX.

NOTE: the latest code from CVS seems to not require some of these workarounds –

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