Well, Tom hosted another pseudo-lan party last night, and as usual, it was a doozy. We had Halo 2 running, Dungeon Siege 2, a bit of UT2004 and last but not least, DiscBall.

What is DiscBall? Well, here’s the basic setup:

1 tennis court
4-5 players on each side
4 frisbees

Each team starts off with two frisbees. When the referee yells “DISC!”, both teams try to get all the frisbees off of their side of the court.

Frisbees must pass over the net to be validly played. On the side of the court, an imaginary net is extended. Invalid side throws are fouls which require the offending player to retreat to the side, and sing “Happy Birthday”, or do 10 pushups, or both, depending on the sadistic tendencies of the referee.

Frisbees thrown out of the gated court area stop game play and count as a point for the other team.

Frisbees are considered in scoring position when they are touching the ground, in the hands of a player, falling through tree limbs (stuck frisbees count as out of bounds), or thrown in the air by a team member but clearly with no possibility of clearing the net (the NO JUGGLING rule).

Teams switch court sides every 10 points.

Points are not taken seriously, and may randomly change as people’s memories are altered by the lateness of the hour.

Rules on switching teams or taking a break on the sidelines are completely optional, but generally proportional to the age of the player.

No other projectiles may be in play besides frisbees. Teams placing unauthorized projectiles in play are penalized a point, and game play is started over.

New rules may be added as necessary, but are typically ignored.

When there are no longer 4 frisbees available due to out of bounds play, or random acts of god, the players will begin randomly throwing other projectiles (basketballs, tennis balls, footballs, paper airplanes) and try to start up something else.

Okay, for those people running into problems –

I used a modded TankViewer from here.

I used Rapid Tank Creator from here, and made the following changes to the tank after I created it:

  • renamed to *.ds2res
  • changed 2 bytes at offset 2 and 3, from 6967 to 6732
  • changed 2 bytes at offset 8 and 9, from 0200 to 0001

Extract the Logic.ds2res tank using TankViewer.

Search for the flick files that might have the problem. In the case of the Old Man, I looked for “scholar”.

What you’ll probably have to move around or change is something that looks like:

  • SetQuestBool (a1_p_colony, scholar_saved, true);

Sometimes, there will be more than one QuestBool that needs changing:

  • SetQuestBool (a1_p_colony, scholar_saved, true);
  • SetQuestBool (a1_p_colony, log_removed, false);
  • SetQuestBool (a1_p_colony, movie_played, true);

You’ll want to put these changes in some conversation logic that is still accessible in the game…then, next time you talk to them, the quest will be finished.

Delete all the files you didn’t modify, and use Rapid Tank Creator to create a ds2res. Remember to hexedit the necessary bytes listed above.

In the ‘advanced’ tab of Rapid Tank Creator, I set the priority to 1.

Put your new ds2res in your resources directory, restart DS2, and try it out!

If ur just looking for updates (like me), this is an easy one

u need sp2 installed
Do this in IE:

Tools -> Internet Options -> Programs -> click Manage Add-ons
Find the Windows Genuine Advantage add-on in the menu and then click Disable in the Settings box.
Now go back to the Windows Update page and everything will be back to normal.


Apparently, the spectre of racism is rearing it’s ugly head again.

Although I have made California my home for the past 15 years, I was born and raised in Hawaii. Although my ancestry is mixed, and does not include blood from before 1778, as someone born and raised in the islands, I identify myself as a “native” hawaiian. One of the most beautiful things about Hawaii is the great diversity of cultural backgrounds we have. For some reason (perhaps the sweet smelling air), people over the generations in Hawaii have felt less inclined to in-breed, and instead have found love and created families together despite differences in background and appearance. California seems to be moving in this direction as well, and I look forward to the day when nobody can check just one single “race” box on the census form throughout this country.

The upcoming S. 147 and H.R. 309 bills are an insult to the spirit of aloha, and cannot be tolerated, as it divides us as a people based on false classifications of “race”. To be a native hawaiian is not something that is passed on genetically…it is cultural. And although the influence of the ancient hawaiians is certainly felt, it is not any more important than the influence of all of the immigrants that have come to the shores of Hawaii. To be a native hawaiian is to have to explain what “Zippy’s” is to friends on the mainland (sort of a local “Denny’s”). To be a native hawaiian is to love, cherish, and respect the many cultures that found a home in the middle of the sea. To be a native hawaiian also means to be a proud american for those who were born after statehood, and an even prouder american for those born before statehood who got to be a part of that choice. To be a native hawaiian is not something that can be legislated, nor should it be. To be a native hawaiian is a decision that is made by an individual.

These terrible bills hearken back to the days where a white woman could give birth to a black child by a black father, but a black woman could not give birth to a white child by a white father. We are all human, all connected. And we are americans, first, last and always.

It took a while, but I think I finally figured out how to play the little solo part from Space Madness…have to bar the first finger on the 12th fret, and just use the 2nd and 3rd fingers, using a slide on the 2nd finger going down. Pretty tricky shit.

Well, the 752nd bi-annual meeting of the MidnightFraggers hosted by Tom with special guest star ChangPower was a roaring success. So now all we need to do is list out the games that should be installed before we get there to make sure Ol’BossHarv and 3.14159 don’t play pool all night.

I vote for Savage:Newerth. 2.00e patch.

Okay, quick update…we’re just about completely done moving into the new place (I have a few trophies and a mirror to put up, and gotta move boxes of clothes to the garage). We’re celebrating with a BBQ this monday, for which I purchased a relatively inexpensive gas grill. Welcome to suburbia.

There are two more ultrasound pictures I haven’t scanned in yet, but I’ll get around to those soon…the baby is coming along well, and mommy has been dragging daddy back to the gym.

My brother has offered me a pool table (since he just bought a new house and doesn’t have room for it…despite the fact that the new house is humangous), and I’m hoping to fit it in the garage. I still need to vacuum and carpet the garage (I have left-overs from when the carpeting guys re-did the carpet before we moved in), and if it all works out, we’ll have a pool table, dart board, and working fridge in there. I guess I’ll need to decide if people shoud lomi their shoes before going on the carpet…

Cameron has been doing well in school (it’s almost over), and will be going to 3 weeks of YMCA camp, and 3 weeks of Huntington Explorers camp (www.huntington.org…check it out). His latest thing is Zelda & The Minish Cap on Gameboy Advance (don’t buy him games without consulting first please, we’re using that as motivation for good behavior in school).

Anyway, that’s the 5 minute wrap-up…when I’m feeling like ranting, I’ll write more later.

Believe it or not, it has now been an entire year since I first met my wife in the flesh.

According to the eharmony site, our match was created 3/19/2004. Amani answered my close-ended questions that very day at 5:07pm, and I answered her questions 3/23/2004 at 5:22pm (either that or I sent her questions the very first day, and she didn’t ask me questions until a few days later…the website doesn’t make the chronology clear).

We shared our must haves/can’t stands on 3/24/2004, 9:55pm, and answered eachother’s open-ended questions that very same night. I can’t seem to access the first open communciations we sent back and forth anymore, but needless to say, we had our first date on 4/3/2004 at the huntington gardens, with Jane Goodall in attendance for her birthday celebration. The rest is history.

It’s been by far the best year of my life, although I must admit I’m sure it will pale in comparison to the years ahead with my dearest love. Marriage suits me I suppose, or at least it particularly suits me with Amani .