Home – The Church of Global Warming
Burn the heretics! Just make sure you trap the CO2 released by their incineration…
Home – The Church of Global Warming
Burn the heretics! Just make sure you trap the CO2 released by their incineration…
.: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works ::.
Science is not consensus.
Does Exercise Really Make Us Thinner? — New York Magazine
More indictment of the government advice given to us on diet and exercise.
Amazon.com: Good Calories, Bad Calories: Books: Gary Taubes
Seriously, I’m sooo pissed at the government lackeys that have been pushing a low-fat/high-carb diet for most of my life. Read the book. Change your mind. Know the truth.
What if It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie? – New York Times
Great stuff from Gary Taubes – low-carbs == high-fat == good diet.
The Soft Science of Dietary Fat – Second Opinions
Read Gary Taubes’ “Good Calories, Bad Calories”, and now I’m pissed.
Sunlight terminated Ice Age, UH researcher finds – The Honolulu Advertiser – Hawaii’s Newspaper
Cue the global warming zealots in 3…2…1…
Diluting the scientific method: Ars looks at homeopathy
Homeopathy. P-L-A-C-E-B-O. Homeopathy.
Ousted clan says tribe now gains – Los Angeles Times
Tribe gets casino. Tribe gets big. Tribe arbitrarily decides to reduce membership (and increase individual payouts) by ejecting people from the tribe. Tribe members left over get more money.
Ah, the siren call of corruption.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Maui homestead project costs double – The Honolulu Advertiser
They should just give away all the DHHL land, fee simple, to all qualified applicants, and be done with it.
The peace racket – Los Angeles Times
The best defense is a good offense.
Diversity may not be the answer – Los Angeles Times
I guess we all get along once we accept that we’re all human, and any “diversity” between us is truly superficial.