An experiment that hints we are wrong on climate change-News-UK-TimesOnline
Of course, since the debate is officially over, we should just ignore any contradictions to the current human-driven climate change hypothesis…
An experiment that hints we are wrong on climate change-News-UK-TimesOnline
Of course, since the debate is officially over, we should just ignore any contradictions to the current human-driven climate change hypothesis…
It seems to be all over the news, protesters in Washington D.C. demanding that we withdraw from Iraq…but where are the protesters against the car-bombers? The sectarian assassins? The brutal insurgents? Why isn’t there a protest for THEM to withdraw??
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How the left led us into 9/11 – Los Angeles Times
Of course, it’s simplistic to place blame on any one factor, but it’s certainly accurate to acknowledge all the factors.
In recognition of the historic occasion of January 17th, 1893 and the Hawaiian Revolution which ended the monarchy of the Hawaiian Kingdom, I’d like to offer thanks to the heroes of that day. Although tensions during that time were high enough to entice the landing of peacekeepers from the U.S.S. Boston, no violence occurred the entire time, save the shooting of one police officer trying to stop a wagon of weapons for the Honolulu Rifles.
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(Also published at the Hawaii Reporter)
In a January 12th response to a January 9th article I wrote for the Honolulu Advertiser, the leaders of OHA claimed, “Native Hawaiians are the indigenous people of Hawai’i, and have the right to thrive in their ancient homeland.” I find this sentiment frightening in its consequences, contrary to the ideas of freedom, and based on false premises.
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(expanded from op-ed printed in the Honolulu Advertiser – also published on the Hawaii Reporter)
The 2005 American Community Survey for California, recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau, confirms Native Hawaiians’ ability to prosper without special government programs. The estimated 65,000 Native Hawaiian residents of California, with no Office of Hawaiian Affairs or Hawaiian Homes or other such race-based entitlements, enjoyed higher median household ($55,610) and family ($62,019) incomes, relative to the total California population ($53,629 and $61,476 respectively) despite having smaller median household and family sizes.
California is particularly appropriate for comparing earning power, because California has the greatest Native Hawaiian population outside of Hawaii; and it happens that the median age of Native Hawaiians residing in California (33.7 years) is almost identical to that of the general population of California (33.4 years).
The fact that Native Hawaiians are quite capable of making it on their own was suggested by Census 2000 which showed the then-60,000 Native Hawaiian residents of California enjoyed comparable relative median household and family incomes despite their 5 year younger median age.
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Hawaiians do better without entitlements – The Honolulu Advertiser
It’s difficult to convey statistical arguments concisely, and to unify multiple lines of attack on the Akaka bill and the kanaka maoli victimhood-machine into a coherent whole, but here’s one attempt.
The Advertiser notably omitted mention of Hispanics in Hawaii included in the original submission in their published version:
“But the 2005 ACS sample survey for Hawaii shows Native Hawaiians in Hawaii, who average only 24.6 years of age, enjoy median family income of $56,449; and 55% of them occupy homes they own. Hispanics in Hawaii, in comparison, average 24.2 years of age, have a median family income of $54,803 and only 46.2% of them occupy homes they own.”
I’m sure the intent was to make the article more readable, but it is important to note that in the search for the demographic group doing the worst in Hawaii, Hispanics rank below native Hawaiians – a direct contradiction of many of the statements made by the kanaka maoli victimhood-machine.
You can read the original submission below:
Racism — fact or faith? – Los Angeles Times
More happy thoughts for the holidays.
10 myths — and 10 truths — about atheism – Los Angeles Times
Obligatory christmas reading :).
So when a high resolution image in a medical situation is degraded by this content protection, and an important feature is missed by the doc leading to a medical mistake, will Microsoft take the fall?
1990-1995: Microsoft’s Yellow Road to Cairo
Very interesting history lesson. My money is on Apple and OSX to dominate over the next decade, with Microsoft being a minority player in desktop OSes by 2017.
Small nuclear conflict could affect globe, report says – Los Angeles Times
Sounds like they found a solution to “global warming” :).
“Stenchikov estimated that 5 million tons of soot could be thrown into the air by the explosion of about 100 15-kiloton nuclear weapons.
The smoke and soot would ascend into the stratosphere and stay there for up to 10 years, causing temperatures to fall several degrees, the researchers said.”
Penn and Teller: Bullshit! Environmental Hysteria – Google Video
Ah, the joys of watching the environmentalists save us from dihydrogen monoxide! :)