Hawaiians must resist politics of dependency
Quoted for truth.
Quoted for truth.
Hawaii going native? – Commentary – The Washington Times, America’s Newspaper
Will the Senate listen to reason?
Are there any honest democrats out there who would stand up for integrity and go against the wishes of their colleagues from Hawaii?
Will the republicans figure out in time the evil in the Akaka bill? Or has there been enough horse-trading to make it happen?
Soon. We’ll know one way or the other soon.
CSE P 590TU: Practical Aspects of Modern Cryptography, Winter 2006
Cool online course materials and presentations.
Also their 2002 Course: http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/csep590/02wi/
Alston B. Ramsay on Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act on National Review Online
Historical truths that should not be ignored.
PREVIEW: The Natives Are Restless
Nice little overview.
Hawaiian bill pursues native rights | Chicago Tribune
Please, call your senator and tell them you oppose the Akaka Bill.
Faculty Panel Finds Misdeeds by Professor – Los Angeles Times
Somebody needs to focus this kind of scrutiny on the UH Hawaiian Studies department.
2006-05-09 Akaka Fact Check – GrassrootWiki
Refuting Akaka day 2.
2006-05-08 Akaka Fact Check – GrassrootWiki
Akaka is now promising to talk every day about his bill that was rejected by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. I promise to try and expose every falsehood he tries to assert as he defends his terrible bill.
Townhall.com :: Race-based governing looms
A man from Tennessee has risen to stand up for civil rights in Hawaii. My faith in the republic is strengthened.
Civil Rights panel rejects Akaka bill – The Honolulu Advertiser – Hawaii’s Newspaper
Another big win for equal rights. Congratulations to the five commission members who sent a clear signal that race-based government is not constitutional (including the one abstention). As for the other two, I hope with enough exposure to the true history of Hawaii and the Hawaiian Revolution, you’ll come around to understand the truly horrible nature of both the Akaka Bill, and PL103-150 which it was founded on. Please read http://morganreport.org for more info.
Akaka bill under fire in civil rights report – The Honolulu Advertiser
A welcome bit of light shed on a bad bill based on historical mythology that would enshrine racism into government.
Big thanks to Bill Burgess for his testimony before the commission earlier this year.
Nuestro Himno – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sing it in any langauge you like. We are a nation of immigrants. (Although English should be the official language, and everyone should be required to learn it. Bi-lingualism is fine (or tri-lingualism, or n-lingualism), but one of the languages should be English.)