Money quote:

"They appear to be trying to “out Negro” one another. In other words, their behavior is being driven by some weird attempt to demonstrate to others that they are authentically black."

tl;dr – culture, not color, is the problem

OPINION | Black students are disproportionately disciplined in schools, but they’re at fault.

The scientific journals which publish these papers should be obligated to archive all the supporting data in perpetuity.

We should name and shame those journals that published scientific literature, but failed to archive the data.

Oh, and version control the data too, if you're going to be post-hoc adjusting it.

From the people that know how to save and care for things of importance, comes this essay from The Smithsonian: One of the foundations of the scientific method is the reproducibility of results. In…

The hubris in thinking that our CFC production and use had anything to do with a large scale atmospheric phenomenon with nearly no observation period to speak of starts running into inconvenient data.

NASA Reveals New Results From Inside the Ozone Hole  – Dec. 11, 2013 NASA scientists have revealed the inner workings of the ozone hole that forms annually over Antarctica and found that declining …

The FAQs they don't want asked or answered.

#obamacare   #obamacarefail   #defectivebydesign  

Beginning January 1, 2014, most Californians will be required to have health insurance under federal law as a result of the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as “health care reform,” “Obamacare,” or the “Affordable Care Act.”

tldr – anonymous donations allow people and corporations to criticize politicians without fear of retaliation.  Elizabeth Warren, fake Indian, doesn't like it when she doesn't know who to retaliate against.

Now apparently there are some lines of argument that blame such findings on ugly ulterior motives rather than solid science, or discredit such findings because bigots of the past used them as rationalizations for discrimination, but to deny that men and women are inherently different, and to insist that observed differences are caused mostly by cultural imposition, is like denying that homosexuality is an inherent, biological disposition, and insisting that conversion therapy can mostly cure homosexual tendencies.

Men are perception-action animals, women are holistic thinkers, study suggests