Isn't it racist to assume that there is any race other than the human race?

How would you even know if the person who has a similar skin tone to you actually has ancestors from a specific part of the world?

Does starbucks count "race" via the one-drop rule?  If a white guy hangs out with Obama, is he hanging out with someone of his own race?  If a black guy hangs out with Obama, is he hanging out with someone of his own race?

  #starbucksracism   #racetogether   #racetogetherfail  

“@DLoesch got my “are you a racist test” from @Starbucks today #DAILYDANA”

Want to start a conversation about race?  How about by admitting that it's an arbitrary, and useless social construct?

#humanrace   #racetogetherfail  

#RaceTogether is a debacle: The real reason why Starbucks, McDonald’s and Coke keep failing on Twitter

Dark irony: The massive institutions responsible for our isolation trying to fix it with a cutesy hashtag