Sorry Lana, but exposing the ethnic cleansing done of the history of the Hawaiian Kingdom has nothing to do with targeting kanaka maoli. If anything, it’s targeting the haoles out for appropriate recognition of their patriotic acts regarding the always multi-racial and multi-cultural government of Hawaii.

Try again.

Killer Bunnies

Reminscent of Nuclear War, a thoroughly enjoyable game that took up most of my high school free time.

Also got hooked up with Racer Knights, a pretty neat collectible card/racing game. Kinda like Car Wars meets Shadowrun.

A big mahalo to Tom @ The Last Grenadier Burbank for pointing these games out! I’m not sure if it’s got anything to do with the Last Grenadier in Hawai’i, but it’s a great grognard store:

The Last Grenadier Burbank

820 N. Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 848-9144

M-Th: 11:30am – 7pm
F: 11:30am – 9pm
Sat: 11am – 7pm
Sun: 11am – 6pm

World History Blog: Wacky American Separatists

I really couldn’t have said it better. Trying to replay history for pro-royalists in Hawai’i by claiming a military occupation is ludicrous on it’s face. Hawai’i functioned as an independent Republic from 1893-1898, and despite of any qualms about it’s inception, it’s legitimacy is unquestionable – it survived both a hostile U.S. president, as well as a violent attempt at counter-revolution. It legitimately petitioned for and recieved annexation by the United States, as was desired by King Kamehameha the III in 1854.

You could just as well claim that New York was still a sovereign colony of the Britain, and that it had been under illegal belligerent occupation by a puppet government (The U.S.) of France which aided and abetted the 1776 revolutionary war.

The really sad part about all of this is that while poverty and poor education continue to be problems in Hawai’i, these people are busy trying to replay 1893 and 1898.

Again, another interesting thread on

Of particular note is a seeming reluctance to acknowledge the Morgan Report.

Ignoring the Morgan Report is like asserting that drinking alcohol is illegal today because of prohibition, and not acknowledging that the 22nd amendment repealed the 18th.

Lana of course is still freaked out that anyone would talk JUST about kanaka maoli, and hasn’t figured out that fighting just one form of racism only means you’re limited in your capacity, not your intent.

Lana also tried to assert that the reparations for those interned Japanese during WWII was a race-based program – when in fact, not all Japanese were beneficiaries, only those who were interned. This was a targeted program based on actual harms to actual people, not a blanket entitlement given to an entire race like OHA and DHHL.

Okay, just to quickly recap some points on this thread:

1) Kanaka maoli are not indigenous. I challenge someone to come up with a clear definition of “indigenous” if they want to assert that.

2) The Morgan Report was not written by Morgan alone. His racism, while reprehensible, does not invalidate the findings of fact of the committee that shared his name.

3) The ’93 Apology Resolution has a big fat disclaimer at the end, and is as reasonable as legislation declaring that humans have 3 arms and 1 leg. Simply put, it is a collection of lies and distortions.


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If you want an easy way to download the files to your computer, try using Firefox, FlashGot and FlashGet. I had a difficult time connecting at first, so I’m going to download all the files instead of streaming them every time.