Are kanaka maoli indigenous to Hawai’i?

Well, there’s no universal definition of “indigenous peoples”, but let’s try this one out:

Wikipedia Entry on Indigenous Peoples

Drawing on these, a contemporary working definition of “indigenous peoples” has criteria which would seek to include cultural groups (and their descendants) who have an historical continuity or association with a given region, or parts of a region, and who formerly or currently inhabit the region either:

* before its subsequent colonization or annexation; or
* alongside other cultural groups during the formation of a nation-state; or
* independently or largely isolated from the influence of the claimed governance by a nation-state,

and who furthermore

* have maintained at least in part their distinct linguistic, cultural and social / organizational characteristics, and in doing so remain differentiated in some degree from the surrounding populations and dominant culture of the nation-state.

Given the rampant interbreeding with other races, you can certainly not claim that modern day part-kanaka maoli “remain differentiated” from their peers, so on that item the answer is clearly NO.

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Hold on Jere, I know you’re smart enough to figure out that “wannabes” has nothing to do with practicing certain aspects of the culture. This is about genealogy, ancestry. These people are not wannabes simply b/c they brought back traditions that were no longer in practice. That’s just absurd.

So apparently haolegirl thinks that she’s a real hawaiian because she’s got a few drops of kanaka maoli blood in her body – and that people who identify as native hawaiian (as others may identify as native californian) are somehow besmirching her birthright. The fact of the matter is that haolegirl is an American, and so has every other kanaka maoli born in the islands since 1898.
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Haolegirl attacks
Well haolegirl, let’s see if I can’t shed some light on your questions, and help explain logic a bit:

By doing that in the Haole World the person would not have any blood. Therefore the person would not exist. Are you implying that these people should not exist?

What I’m implying is that there is no difference between the races – 99% haole 1% kanaka is the same thing as 100% haole is the same thing as 100% filipino is the same thing as 100% japanese. These quantums, of any sort, are an artificial, arbitrary, unjust and capricious way of sorting people. By having 0% blood quantum requirements for everything, we level the playing field – we don’t eliminate people’s “blood”.

Why did YOU have “a Hawaiian native” as part of your description if blood quantum is unimportant to you?

That was someone else’s description of me. I’m a native earthan.

He implies that this society should be race-blind…. then why does he describe himself as a HAWAIIAN NATIVE on his band’s website? His bandmates Richard Guttenberg, Mario Santillan, Scott Pitts, and Toby Semain do NOT mention their ethnicity. However he does. Hmmmm.

Well, if I had been in charge of writing it, I would have perhaps worded it differently. I think the guys were trying to make it clear that they were all Californians, and I was a Hawaiian. Remember, it’s not my band, I just play with them :D.

Haolegirl attacks part 2

Him: “Do you think it’s just for a rich 1% kanaka maoli, 99% haole living in kahala to have a spot at Kam Schools, while a poor 100% tongan living in waianae is denied?”

Me: No… I don’t think so.

So then why support race-based entitlement programs at all?

Me: Unfortunately during the process of statehood some people targeted other people because of their race and that is partly why we are dealing with these people based on their race.

Really? Who was targeted because of their race during statehood? Didn’t every ethnicity get the right to vote upon becoming a territory?

I was in the poor class.

And somehow you inherited land and have the terrible burden of property taxes…sounds a bit more than poor to me. Or was this inheritance from your husband’s family?

As far as race based privileges… the only privilege (not a right) that was given to me was a good education at the Kamehameha Schools and that is why I am not on welfare nor on drugs so I really don’t understand your point that I want to enjoy the race-based privileges.

Do you think that you would be on welfare or drugs because of the hawaiian blood you have? Or the portuguese blood? That is to say, it’s great that you got a good education and did not fall through the cracks, but do you think you would’ve fallen because of the blood that got you into Kam Schools?

Do you think some other school might have also taught you to be a upstanding citizen? Do you think that you wouldn’t have these welfare or drug tendencies if you weren’t kanaka maoli?

Think about it for a second…maybe the reason you were going to go to welfare and drugs was because you were part-portuguese…and what we should have is a race-based policy for admitting only part-portuguese to Kam Schools, since they’re the ones really in trouble!

It’s fine to admit that you may have had drug problems and such in the past. But to ascribe it to a single small portion of your racial makeup, and to claim that it was only because of the racist policies of Kam Schools that you were saved, is ludicrous and insulting to those with kanaka maoli blood.

Me: Actually I just started researching this about Milolii since last year after another family member told me about it and am doing work in the National Archives. As far as guns… I am not sure as I am gathering evidence and in the process of researching more about Milolii. They forcibly removed Hawaiians from Milolii similar to what was photographed in 1970 at the Hilo Airport:

What does removing protesters from an airport have to do with being forcibly relocated by mysterious rich people? They would forcibly remove anyone who tried to stage a protest on an airport runway, don’t you think?

I look forward to your research. You may find truth if you keep your eyes open.

1. NO… I WAS NOT IN THE UPPER CLASS WHILE ATTENDING KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS. I was on full financial aid. That means that I was indigent. DUH.
2. NO… I DO NOT EXPECT FREEBIES FROM THE GOVERNMENT BASED ON MY RACE. I’ve never received any government freebies based on my race nor would I ever.
3. NO… I DO NOT EXPECT SPECIAL TREATMENT BASED ON MY RACE. I expect to be treated like a human being. DUH.

So, how did you manage to inherit property if you were indigent? Were your grandparents the ones that bequeathed it to you, and were they estranged from their children?

And why do you support kanaka-maoli only sovereignty in an island chain whose first united kingdom had both haoles and kanaka maoli? Isn’t that special treatment? Isn’t the tax exempt status enjoyed by Kam Schools, which you attended, a freebie from the government?

Why do you support race-based programs like OHA and DHHL? Isn’t that expecting special treatment based on race?

You seem to think that being a .1% minority gives a group the right to dominance over all others. The fact of the matter is that what you are calling “civil rights” for kanaka maoli are really special entitlements.

Okay, so here’s the deal – The Honolulu Advertiser discussion board doesn’t have a good search function, and limits posts to 2500 characters. A real bummer when you get rolling rhetorically, or if you want to find an earlier quote.

So I’ve invited copster (cop) to join me on this blog in the Debate Hall category, where we will match wits about Hawaiian Sovereignty and other social issues and ills.

Others from the Advertiser db are welcome to contact me if they’d like to post here too.

Aloha and let the games begin!

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