Quick perl script for OmegaZone GM Adventure hooks: https://gist.github.com/jhkrischel/dfeaac68632a42d457d4
Perl script for generating GM Adventure hooks per OmegaZone spec – Gist is a simple way to share snippets of text and code with others.
Quick perl script for OmegaZone GM Adventure hooks: https://gist.github.com/jhkrischel/dfeaac68632a42d457d4
Perl script for generating GM Adventure hooks per OmegaZone spec – Gist is a simple way to share snippets of text and code with others.
#irsscandal  #irstargeting  #prosecutelerner  #abolishtheirs  
Congressional investigators say they uncovered emails Wednesday showing that a former Internal Revenue Service official at the heart of the tea party investigation sought an audit involving a Republican …
On the one hand, it's great to have the SCOTUS reaffirm some basic rights.
On the other hand, can we really trust our government not to search them anyway?
Today’s court ruling one of the most high-tech of our time
They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. – B. Franklin
If only we could all be "not truly well off" like the clintons.
‘I was curious if I could care about [money] on some fundamental level, and I couldn’t,’ Chelsea Clinton said in an interview published this weekend.
Eco-loons keeping their b.s. detectors turned off. Â Reminds me of those guys that signed that anti-dihydrogen monoxide protest sheet.
Just how detached from reality are mainstream anti-GMO protestors such as March Against Monsanto, a global group that claims millions of supporters. Check out
Mess up and kill people with fraud, waste and abuse, and get more money.
Healthcare organizations who spend valuable resources on expensive greenwashing should be ashamed of themselves.
The administrators at the Veterans Administration have apparently been busy while old soldiers waited to see a doctor, after all. Serving those who served is not necessarily a priority, but saving the planet is Job 1. Solar panels and windmills can be more important than the touch of a healing hand.
Okay, so, one of the tropes in the teams I've been playing is the "brain" trope that doesn't have any combat skill. Â The guy who choses +4 Lore, and nothing for Fight, Shoot or Athletics.
Since combats tend to be some of the longest running encounters, I'm hesitant to take the Fate Core rulebook literally when it says “Lore isn’t used in conflictsâ€, and generally give my "brain" guy the ability to use Lore, in the middle of a conflict, to create advantages.  This blurs the line between Notice and Lore a bit, but I'm sort of treating it like Notice is for things that are possibly obscured physically, and Lore is for things that are simply obscured based on knowledge.  For example, you may use Notice to create the advantage That cable holding up those crates is rusty, but you'd use Lore to create the advantage Those crates labeled in chinese contain explosives.
Questions to the group:
1) is this overpowering Lore without requiring say, a specific stunt?
2) does anyone have any cool examples of using Overcome and Create Advantage with Lore (either in conflict or out of conflict)?
Grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory.
Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about al Qaeda, Iraq, ISF, ISIS, max boot, Mosul, Mosul Iraq, Terrorists, Al Qaeda, Max Boot and terrorists from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available in online edition.
Hundreds are expected at a rally Saturday in Habersham County after a botched drug raid left a toddler critically injured.
Quoted for truth.
This essay starts with utopia—the utopia known as the American university. It is the finest educational institution in the world, everyone tells us. Indeed, to judge by the praise that is heaped upon it, the American university may be our best institution, period. With its peaceful quadrangles …
#warondrugs  #biggovernment  
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
#obamafail  #bergdahltraitor  #waronterrorfail  
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said nearly a year ago that no decisions about bringing about the return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl through detainee transfer would be done