Photoshop, essential tool for any environmentalist :)
Global Warming revisited is a new video series from the Galileo Movement that reviews the current st
Photoshop, essential tool for any environmentalist :)
Global Warming revisited is a new video series from the Galileo Movement that reviews the current st
Tim Allen, hero of free speech and equality.
Allen used the word several times in an interview with the Tampa Bay Times and said he strongly disliked the phrase ‘the N-word’ – which often used in its place.
Doing it #trayvonstyle.
The attorney of a driver whose school bus was the scene of a vicious beating last month is asking Pinellas school officials to publicly back his client for following district policies.
A 1938 model that can be written on the back of a napkin outperforms all of the high tech computer models run by "climate scientists".
Just, wow.
As many readers have already surmised, the “GCM-Q” model that visually out-performed the Met Office CMIP5 contribution (HadGEM2) originated with Guy Callendar, and, in particular, Callendar 1938 (Q…
An example of the kind of thing Radley Balko has written extensively about:Â
We're safer with more armed citizens, and fewer armed government agents.
By Todd Starnes
The president of a Wisconsin animal shelter is furious after the state Department of Natural Resources raided the facility with armed agents, detained volunteer workers and killed a baby deer named “Giggles.â€
Her sarcasm at the people she disagreed with looks like it was actually the inner truth of her own beliefs.
Sunday’s “Justice-For-Trayvon†march held by the New Black Panther Party was attended by a woman holding a sign reading: “Racist and Proud.†Several media outlets incorrectly identified the woman as a “George Zimmerman supporter,” and the story took off, providing the left with supposed evidence of racism among those who believe Zimmerman was not guilty. However, an interview with Breitbart News at the Houston rally itself proved that she was an …
Just got my 24 copies of FAE in the mail (thanks +Fred Hicks and #evilhat  for the bulk discount).
Now I just need to find people in the Pasadena area to give them away to :)
tl;dr – Stay in school.  Don't have babies before you can afford to take care of them.
President Obama is in a unique historical position, with a singular pulpit from which to speak and act to do something incredible to help young black men benefit from the opportunities in our great country.
The kind of man you'd want in your community.  #goodjobgeorge  
George Zimmerman, who has not been seen publicly since being acquitted in the murder of Trayvon Martin earlier this month, surfaced last week to rescue someone trapped in an overturned truck in Florida, police said Monday.
I'd rather have armed civilians than armed cops.
SWAT teams were once rare, but they now operate at every level of government, from small towns to federal agencies. Is it time to reconsider the militarization of American policing? By Radley Balko
The followers of St. Trayvon continue their "honoring" by beating up people, who are on their side, simply because of their skin color.
As small groups of rogue protesters wreaked havoc along Crenshaw Boulevard on Monday night following a George Zimmerman verdict protest, some within the demonstration tried to warn potential victims.
Stand your ground allows minorities to defend themselves from the violence they are all too often victims of in their own communities.
African Americans benefit from Florida’s
To kill a mockingbird, now coming to a riot near you.
Although George Zimmerman has finally been found not guilty, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid warned, “this isn’t over with.†Before the next drama unfolds, let’s take a moment to reflect on this ordeal.
The funky quote means you need to copy/paste this url:’s-rising-murder-rate/
Quoted for truth:
"We will have to get used to the violence in our city unless we (Black America) are able to adhere to some basic concepts:
1. We need to value education. Our schools are not New Trier. But, if we start to value an education and what it can do for us, and we not only preach to our children the importance of education but continue by devoting time and energy to education in the home, our schools will get better. You’ll find that our teachers and administrators will work with students who want to learn and parents who want their children to learn. If we don’t send our children to school with respect for not only education but also their teachers, then our children won’t learn. And we can’t blame teachers for failing to teach children who respect neither the process nor teacher.
2. Do not get pregnant (or get someone pregnant) until you are done with your education. College is tough enough only juggling studies. If you add a child, although college graduation is not impossible, it is much less likely. We need to put ourselves in position to be able to afford our children. To be able to afford their clothes, to afford food, to afford a suitable place to live. If college isn’t your thing, get some work experience, knowledge, training and confidence that you can live on your own. That will give your child a sense of security, so they don’t have to get it from the streets.
2b. Do not get pregnant (or get someone pregnant) if you can’t afford your child. Newsflash: If you are 17 years old and not the child of an independently wealthy person, you cannot afford to have a child. If you don’t have a good paying job with benefits, you can’t afford the child. I hate to get all Suze Orman on you, but it’s true.
3. When you have children, PARENT. Be a good mother. Be a good father. Be present. Be available. Love your children."