Michael Brown may have been a thug, and may have attacked an officer, and gotten shot for it.  It's quite possible that it was a legit shoot, and we'll have to see what the investigation shows.

On the other hand, the cracker cops in this video should be fired, prosecuted, and jailed immediately.  Whether they were harassing him for being black, or just because they thought they had the right to harass anyone, these keystone cops need to be stopped.

Hearing this man beg and plead with his tormentors brought tears to my eyes.

THIS is what should be front page news, causing rallies and marches, and getting media coverage.

#policebrutality   #badcops  

While voter identification laws are a hot button issue in national politics, those laws aren’t usually discussed in the broader context of identification

Let's talk about rampant fraud in the name of the Church of Global Warming…

The Cook et al. (2013) 97% paper included a bunch of psychology studies, marketing papers, and surveys of the general public as scientific endorsement of anthropogenic climate change. Let’s go ahead…

I'm as pro-choice as anyone, but Miller-Young should be fired.  Violence on campus against people you disagree with should never be tolerated.

Even worse is the fact that she literally thought she was perfectly justified when she first talked to the police - http://media.independent.com/news/documents/2014/03/18/UCSB-Police-Report.pdf

#milleryoungfail   #intolerantbigots   #ucsb   #freespeech   #academiccorruption  

Mother of victim: ‘A sentence of community service is not supposed to result in something you can add to your resume.’

It's like listening to my grade school daughter whining about being teased.

How these otherwise educated people can succumb to the apocalyptic cult of AGW without realizing just how far from science they've strayed is fascinating.  I mean, "I wish that climate change were not real"?  What pantheon of climate deities do you have to pray to in order to stop climate from ever changing?  It's like demanding that the tide not come in, or the sun never set…what on earth is wrong with these people?

#churchofglobalwarming     #petemieslernaturalclimatechangedenier  

With apologies to Morris Albert. Joe Duggan. A “science communicator”, writes on his blog: What follows are the words of real scientists. Researchers that understand climate change. Kevin Walsh Ass…

Ah, elite left wing hypocrisy.

#inequalityforall   #overpaidacademics  

Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich’s take on work and its value to society is particularly “hypocritical” considering his own lofty income — $240,000 annually to teach one class last year — and the detrimental role of higher education within the United States, economists told FoxNews.com.

I'm as pro-choice as you can get, but this professor should have the book thrown at her.

A 16-year-old pro-life demonstrator who claims she was pushed three times by a feminist studies professor at the University of California in Santa Barbara during a campus event earlier this month won’t quit activism due to the alleged assault, she told FoxNews.com.

Fate Combat Simulator 2.0 feature complete.


Unlike the deck of fate perl script (https://krischel.org/deck-of-fate.cgi), or the omegazone gm hooks perl script (https://krischel.org/omegazone.cgi), this one requires you to setup your local perl environment to run it.

Long story short, you can define different types of players, with different skills, stress, consequences, and strategies, put them into teams, and have the teams battle it out in simulations.  The simulator reports out how often each team wins, and the average number of exchanges before the fight is over.

I find this kind of simulation exercise incredibly useful for figuring out what kind of opposition levels I want to run for my campaign (do I want a long slog that the players will almost certainly win, or a quick decision that could go either way?), but it can also help test different play strategies (do I create an advantage this turn, or take an attack?).

Enjoy, and please leave me feedback if you find a bug, or have a feature request!

#obamacarefail   #defectivebydesign  

As the legal language involving states and subsidies in the Affordable Care Act plays out in federal courtrooms, the Obama administration is coming under fire for quietly releasing five U.S. territories from their commitments to the new health care law- and in the process leaving more than 4 million Americans without access to affordable insurance.

Hey +Fred Hicks , wanted to check if it was okay to share a perl script that let you get a result from the "Deck Of Fate", including the flavor text on each "Dice" card, and the text from the arcana and core cards.

I figure for sure we can't build a web page that shows the full card images as results (maybe low-res okay?), but maybe it's okay to have a text only, yet fully electronic, "Deck Of Fate"?

I've been building electronic tools for running my own games, but didn't want to go public with the code if there's any stepping on toes :)

Okay, so working on a fate core combat simulator, and ran into something odd as I started coding logic for doing overcome actions against boosts.

In what I'll term the Overcome Boost Minor Cost Paradox, it turns out that if we use a minor cost of a boost against our player in case of ties on overcome rolls, we can get a better roll with a worse outcome than a poorer roll.


Player attempts an overcome action with skill 2 against the boost with a GM defined target number of 2.

Roll: 0
Skill: 2
Target: 2

TIE – succeed in removing the boost, but minor cost is another boost

Roll: 1
Skill: 2
Target: 2
Invoke Boost: 2

FAIL – failed in removing the boost, but boost was used up to cause the failure

Roll: 2
Skill: 2
Target: 2
Invoke Boost: 2

TIE – succeed in removing the boost, but minor cost is another boost

Paradox: a roll of 2 is better than a roll of 1, but has a worse outcome for the player.