tl;dr – if you want to harass AGW skeptics for downplaying the contribution of humankind to climate change, you can harass AGW alarmists for overplaying the contribution of humankind to climate change.

#churchofglobalwarming   #agwlies   #rico20  

AG’s striking back at #ExxonKnew and #RICO20 say – “we can come after climate alarmists for fraud, too”

From the Washington Times and the department of “Mutally Assured Destruction” (MAD) comes this blowback. If Democratic attorneys general can pursue climate change skeptics for fraud, th…

Okay, so how about this as a compromise – we only allow gay muslims to immigrate to the U.S.

#pulseterrorattack   #stopsharia   #stopislam

Late Sunday night Islamic extremist Omar Mateen murdered 53 people at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

Sharia is a hate crime.

#shariafail   #terrorism   #islamfail  

We can only hope that the Orlando attack is the last act of jihad in America. But we are going to have to stop importing more jihadists, designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, and shut down the Brotherhood’s mosques and front groups that are promoting sharia.

Truth means nothing to liberals with an agenda.

#molonlabe   #katiecouriclies  

The makers of a new Katie Couric documentary on gun violence deceptively edited an interview between Couric and a group of gun rights activists in an apparent attempt to embarrass the activists, an au

While the Dresden Files RPG stuff is run by some pretty hard core SJWs, who go so far as to remove the word "lamely" from a fictional zombie description for being "ableist", stuff like this makes me love Jim Butcher even more.


“Lucy: Look, we were just trying to give you constructive criticism about racial issues in your Dresden Files Books. It’s about the books, not you.
Jim Butcher: Y’all went “fuck you, Jim…

Happy Hawaiian Revolution Day!


On this day, in 1893, a corrupt monarchy was overthrown, and the path to democracy began.  The multi-racial Kingdom went on to become an internationally recognized Republic, and then sued for union with the United States, becoming a Territory in 1898, and a State in 1959.