Safe spaces make you weak.
tl;dr – we should go to every liberal bakery, ask them to make us a Trump Victory cake, and go to every liberal catering organization, and ask them to cater a Trump Victory event, and then sue the ones that refuse. Or maybe just let bakers and caterers say "no".

Free association should not be for powerful liberals only.
tl;dr – #diversity  means #nowhites  
As Mike Pence attended the musical Hamilton, the cast scolded him on “diversity‖ the same production that said white actors need not apply.
[Content warning: hate crimes, Trump, racism. I have turned off comments to keep out bad people who might be attracted by this sort of thing. Avoid sharing in places where this will attract the wro…
You can't always get what you want.
#trump2016  #maga  #leftwingviolence  
Count the number of cities in America, where walking down the street wearing a gay pride rainbow shirt would get you assaulted.
Count the number of cities in America, where walking down the street wearing a "Make America Great Again" shirt would get you assaulted.
As we watch people riot over the election results, let's spare a moment to realize exactly who is being tolerant, and who is being intolerant. While certainly there are violent people of all political leanings, we currently live in a society that normalizes liberal violence as much, if not more, than lynchings of black men were normalized by the Democrats of the KKK in the early 1900s. These violent, intolerant activists may wrap themselves in the cloak of victimhood, but the truth is that they are the bullies, and we should all condemn them.
#trump2016  #intolerance  #leftwingriots  
#trumped  #liberaltears  
The Facebook freakout over Donald Trump is epic. You’ve seen it: friends, relatives and colleagues afraid of what this means. Don’t be.
#trump2016  #maga  #churchofglobalwarming  
Last night, there was this tweet: The fellow works for Buzzfeed, and highly liberal and pro-climate outfit. It was quite an admission. Since existing climate plans are almost certain to be on the s…
#motherjones #censorship #sjwftw #trump2016
Wow. Perma-banned for even suggesting that whites can be victims of racism.
THIS is why Trump won – we've got a whole racist faction of the population that consider themselves arbiters of who can and who cannot be victims.

So, do celebrities keep their word?
Leading news site for global finance, economics, market, and political analysis.
Left unspoken – has this changed their position with respect to Huma's immunity agreement?
Smells like someone is going under a bus.

FBI Folds (Again): Comey Says “Conclusions Unchanged From July” On Clinton Email Review | Zero Hedge
“Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Sec Clinton”
Jan Brewer: ‘Absolutely Shocking’ for Obama to Suggest Illegal Alien Voter Fraud Will Be Ignored
Black swans happening this year.
The Chicago Cubs jumped on the Cleveland Indians early and then lost their lead before coming back to win in extra innings. It’s their first title since 1908.
And pretty much, that's it.
Just remember this – for all the whining about how election fraud doesn't really happen that much, and this general election won't be stolen, we have a real example of this kind of fraud with the stealing of the democratic primary from Bernie Sanders. The system was rigged against him, and they cheated to make him lose.
The elites who organize and orchestrate this kind of voter fraud and election cheating want you to gently submit to the results of fraudulent elections.
#feelthebern  #neverhillary