tl;dr – police use of force problems are police use of force problems, not some massive undercurrent of hidden racism.

#obamasfault   #crookedhillary  

How did we get here? How did we get to the brink of civil war, when racism has largely ceased to be a problem in American society?

So, let's get this straight – white guy with confederate flag pics shoots up a church, and we impose a purge on any historical imagery of the confederacy.

Black guy with #BLM  pics shoots up white cops, and "We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us"?

There is a blinding hypocrisy here, and Barry is just making it worse for everyone. Blacks are afraid of trigger happy police. Police are afraid of ambushes by #BLM  terrorists. In the meantime, somehow, we're supposed to believe that all of this crazy is because of firearms that magically pervert normal people into racist cops, or racist terrorists.

Bottom line:

1) inner city violence requires a police presence to manage, but it will take a cultural change on behalf of inner city residents to fix;

2) use of force by police must be scrutinized, minimized, and held to the highest standards;

3) self-defense is a natural right that should not be abridged.

President Obama on Saturday urged Americans to remain optimistic about race relations in the immediate aftermath of two black males being fatally shot by police officers, then a gunman apparently retaliating by killing five Dallas law-enforcement officials, saying, “We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us.”

tl;dr – LEOs need to respond to terrorists in a quicker more aggressive manner to save lives.


Authorities are finally releasing some documents regarding the deadliest domestic Islamic terrorist attack since 9/11, and what we’re seeing of in the timeline is heartbreaking, suggesting both poor police training and leadership. The redacted call record (PDF) begins with the first “shots fired” call at 2:02:54 AM, followed by a flurry of more calls to 911. …


One of the guns used in the November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally in a deadly and futile “gun-walking” operation known as “Fast and Furious.” A Report of Investigation (ROI) filed by a case agent in the Bureau ofRead the full post

tl;dr – It's awfully nice to have a close, personal relationship with the head of the FBI when your wife is under investigation.

#hillaryclinton   #hillarycrime   #lynched  

Of course Bill Clinton arranged the meeting to influence the investigation of Hillary, even if only grandchildren, travel and golf were discussed.

tl;dr – the Obama administration plans on disarming the secret service and replacing their firearms with teddybears and cookies to fight terrorists

#lorettalynch   #pulseterrorattack   #shariafail   #obamasfault  

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that love and compassion are the best responses to terrorism during remarks to the media in Orlando, Florida on Tuesday. Lynch said the Department of Justice s

tl;dr – the fbi has blood on its hands

#pulseterrorattack   #islam   #isis   #sharia   #obamasfault  

Before Omar Mateen gunned down 49 patrons of the LGBTQ Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, the FBI attempted to induce him to participate in a terror plot. Sheriff Ken Mascara of Florida’s St. Lucie County told the Vero Beach Press Journal that after Mateen threatened a courthouse deputy in 2013 by claiming he could order Al Qaeda operatives to kill his family, the FBI dispatched an informant to “lure Omar into some kind of act and Omar did not bite.”

tl;dr – we must censor any mention of islam when islamic terrorists murder innocents, even if the words are from the terrorists themselves

    #pulseterrorattack   #sharia   #isis   #lynchfail  

Helping shape the public discussion by concealing evidence from the public.

My preference is the mini-14, because I think the garand action is easier to maintain, but some of the AR-15 style rifles out there are really quite stupendous.

#molonlabe   #shootback   #pulseterrorattack  

After the attack at Pulse night club in Orlando, Hillary Clinton looked past the obvious enemy – r